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Spring Showers: What's the safest place in your home in case of severe weather?

Living in Texas, be prepared for a sunny day and then a thunderstorm or tornado warning the next day. Here are a few recommendations that may keep you and your loved ones safe in your house, apartment, or mobile home.

The first rule is to put safety first. If you can leave early and go to a safer location, do so. But if you're stuck at home, knowing the safest place in your house can mean the difference between life and death.

The second rule is to take shelter immediately. Don't wait until the last minute or try to outrun the storm. Get to your designated safe place as quickly as possible and stay there until the danger has passed.

When it comes to severe weather, every situation is different. Here are some general guidelines for finding the safest place in your home.

Safety in Houses

In the event of severe weather, the safest place in your home is usually an interior room on the lowest level. This could be a basement, a storm shelter, or even an interior closet or bathroom on the first floor.

The key is to find a space away from windows and exterior walls, which are more likely to be damaged. If you don't have a basement or your home is not built to withstand severe weather, your best bet is to find the strongest part of the house and hunker down there.

This might mean going to an interior room on the upper floor or taking shelter in a hallway. The important thing is to stay away from windows and exterior walls and stay as low to the ground as possible.

Safety in Apartments

If you live in an apartment, call your apartment complex or management company and ask where the best shelter is in the building.

If severe weather is coming and you have time, the best thing is to get to a lower level, with as many walls between you and the outside.

This will help protect you from flying debris and other dangers with severe weather. Once you're in your safe space, stay there until the danger has passed.

Remember, the most important thing is to take shelter immediately and stay there. By minding these tips, you can increase your odds of weathering the storm safely.

Safety in Mobile Homes

The best option is to evacuate the mobile home and find a more solid structure to take shelter. Seek out a public storm shelter. These are typically located in schools, government buildings, or other large structures.

If you live in a mobile home park, there may also be a community storm shelter that you can use. Contact your local emergency officials to see if there are any public shelters in the area.

If you are unable to evacuate, lie down in the lowest area of your home and protect your head and neck with blankets, pillows, or whatever else you have on hand.

Try to stay away from windows, and be aware that the walls of a mobile home offer very little protection from severe weather.


In conclusion, it's essential to be prepared for severe weather, whether you live in a mobile home or an apartment.

If you live in a mobile home, evacuation to a safe shelter before the storm arrives is your best option.

Living in an apartment, get to the lowest floor possible and stay there until the danger has passed.

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